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Charitable Giving

Each year, the Past Princess Association active members vote on an organization or individual to support with a monetary donation. Not only do we support Non-Profit organizations throughout the state, we also help our fellow Princesses who may need extra funds getting through a crisis or difficult time in their lives. 


We also support the current Wind Princesses with their travel expenses during their reign. 


Finally, each year we also support the Saint Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation with our membership. Become a member here: Become a Member (


Below are some charitable organizations we have donated to most recently. 

Breaking Free

We empower survivors of sex trafficking to build new lives through safe housing, direct services, effective healing programs, survivor advocacy, worldwide policy change, and hope.  


“The biggest and most detrimental need for survivors escaping 'the life' is safe housing, whether that be a shelter or eventually getting your own place. If you don’t have a safe place to live, it’s really hard to maintain any of your other basic needs.” - Flora Whitfield


Breaking Free is a survivor-driven provider of housing services to victims of sex trafficking and their children in Minnesota. We provide a week-day Drop-In Center and permanent supportive housing for almost 50 family units. 

Gift of Life Transplant House

In 1973 Edward Pompeian received “the gift of life,” a kidney, from his mother, Helen. Ed’s personal experience with transplantation led him to believe that the health and well-being of transplant patients and their families would be better served by living in a home-like setting. From the beginning to today, almost 35 years later, providing a supportive home-like environment for transplant patients and their caregivers to heal has been the inspiration.

The story doesn’t end here. Each guest who makes Gift of Life Transplant House their ‘home away from home’ reinforces the vision of Ed Pompeian. Their courage, gratitude and appreciation inspire us every day and the same determination that Ed Pompeian had to provide affordable accommodations continues today.

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