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Past Princesses

Each year, the Saint Paul Winter Carnival crowns four Wind Princesses to represent the four corners of the King Boreas’ realm: North, East, West and South, and to serve as Legend characters and members of the reigning Royal Family. The Princesses, each accompanied by her Wind Prince, make hundreds of appearances throughout the year with the Royal Family.  


North Wind Princess

Ashley Rutledge

Sponsored by: Twin City Paper

Prince: Ron Bozich

East Wind Princess

Meghan (Andryski) Kuntz

Sponsored by: T.E.A.L.


West Wind Princess

Emily (Pearson) Bly

Sponsored by: Alliance Bank

Prince: Jeff Amland

South Wind Princess

Kelly (Karwoski) Reykdal

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Chris Danielson


North Wind Princess

Nicole (Paul) Tvedt

Sponsored by:  

Prince: Mark Chapple

East Wind Princess

Natalie (Patrick) Anderson

Sponsored by: 


West Wind Princess

Erin (DeVahl) Bailey

Sponsored by:

Prince: Frank Caulfield

South Wind Princess

Erin (Smith) Robinson

Sponsored by: 

Prince:  Dave Gifford


North Wind Princess

Chelsea (Will) Hardy

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Brad Schmitt

East Wind Princess

Amy Stutzriem

Sponsored by: 


West Wind Princess

Ellen (Edwards) Seefert

Sponsored by

Prince:  Greg Holewa

South Wind Princess

Carlene (Johnson) Samuelson

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Doug Kuchera


North Wind Princess

Holly (Lenz) Moen

Sponsored by: Rice Street Royalty

Prince: Dan Hatfield 

East Wind Princess

Jamee Gifford

Sponsored by: 


West Wind Princess

Bobbi (Yzermans) VanGrinsven

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Art Blakey 

South Wind Princess

Jessica (Evenson) Paul

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Tom Ademite


North Wind Princess

Heather (Ward) Hille

Sponsored by:

Prince: Marcus Weyandt

East Wind Princess

Jennifer (Stachowiak) Tamburo

Sponsored by: 


West Wind Princess

Sherri (Earley) Shanley

Sponsored by: The Biondich Group

Prince: Roger Kruse

South Wind Princess

Holly (Dahm) Steele

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Jeff Bjerke


Past Princess Association

Past Princess Association

St. Paul, MN

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