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Past Princesses

Each year, the Saint Paul Winter Carnival crowns four Wind Princesses to represent the four corners of the King Boreas’ realm: North, East, West and South, and to serve as Legend characters and members of the reigning Royal Family. The Princesses, each accompanied by her Wind Prince, make hundreds of appearances throughout the year with the Royal Family.  


North Wind Princess

Lynn Schuetze

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Prince: Eddie Hamernick

East Wind Princess

Lisa Marie Gosselin

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West Wind Princess

Anne Jungwirth Ritacca

Sponsored by

Prince: Donald Craighead

South Wind Princess

Mary Corbo Weisenburger

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Mike Wendel


North Wind Princess


Sponsored by:  

Prince: Joseph W Nelson

East Wind Princess


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West Wind Princess


Sponsored by:

Prince: Len Carlson

South Wind Princess


Sponsored by: 

Prince:  Bill Hocking


North Wind Princess

Mary Jane Thibault

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Ed Collova

East Wind Princess

Marie Holmen Giebel

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West Wind Princess

Mindi Rumpca

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Prince:  Richard Kruse

South Wind Princess

Lori O'Malley Felton

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Tom Ricker


North Wind Princess

Laurie Lau 

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Greg M Sheehan

East Wind Princess

Paula Reynolds Schwartz

Sponsored by: 


West Wind Princess

Loni Lau

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Roger Bonfe

South Wind Princess

Paige Wallin Lemke

Sponsored by: 

Prince: Tom Bucholz


North Wind Princess


Sponsored by:

Prince: Donal Huot

East Wind Princess


Sponsored by: 


West Wind Princess


Sponsored by:

Prince: Ron Larsen

South Wind Princess


Sponsored by: 

Prince: P James Taurinskas

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